New ADCOM amplifier and preamp reviews

Does anyone on this forum have experience with the new ADCOM GFA-555se amplifier and GFP-915 preamp?  Just upgraded to Monitor Audio Silver 300 speakers and have limited budget to upgrade from my old Yamaha integrated amplifier.  MA Silver 300's sound great with the Yamaha but I'm wondering if a separated amplifier and preamp will take the sound up a notch or more.  Only have a $3,000 budget at this point though.  Alternately, any suggesting on other amps & preamps which sound great with the MA Silver 300's?  Thanks everyone for considering my questions.  



MA Silver 300's sound great with the Yamaha but I'm wondering if a separated amplifier and preamp will take the sound up a notch or more.

What model is your Yamaha integrated and how old is it? Without that info I don't think we can give you any worthy advise.

Thanks all for your suggestions.  Got the Yamaha integrated A-S701 new maybe a year ago at a significant discount.  It sounds great to me but wondered if a $3k amp upgrade would sound better.  I'm happy with the Yamaha though,  BTW, its DAC sounds slightly more detailed than just using the analog outs from the CD and DVD players I use.