New Acuhorn speakers arriving - anyone heard them?

I'm getting a pair of Acuhorn Biancore 155 speakers, and will be mating them with a pair of KR Audio 6000 tube monoblocks.

Here is a link to the site:

I'm guessing the match will be great and that the speakers whould be a nice step up from my Audio Physic Virgo II speakers that I just sold, but I wanted to see if anyone has heard these before? I took a bit of a gamble as I've very little experience with horn speakers, but am hoping I'll be rewarded. Can anyone share any first hand experience of these speakers? Also, any advice on placement would be valuable too (do they need to be far away from the wall etc). Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by bequerel

Outlier, please keep us updated on your Acuhorn 155. I should be getting my Secco145s in about a week, and I am considering the 155s or the 175s for a bigger listening room.
I have a pair of the smaller Acuhorn Secco145 on order... without ever having heard them before. The Biancore 155 was a real chocker for many at High-End in Munich 2005. I hope that the Secco145 have a little bit of the same qualities.