Never Used -- in Sealed Box

Who are the people who keep buying audio equipment, then offering it for sale without even opening the box? There seem to be regular listings for all levels of equipment which have never even been auditioned by their owners. Do these same people ever buy, say, bridges, or Florida beach property? Or do they believe that perhaps we are interested in buying some?

Showing 1 response by tom6897

Just a quick observation that I am guilty of. I have several pieces that are indeed new in box and have never been put into my system. The reason, I wanted a replacement that mated with my tastes and I new I would be happy with regardless of future tinkering.  When they went on sale or closeout I made the purchase. Two REL subs and a Nordost Quantum QRT QB8 mk II. I also have a new BSG QOL, an extra Sony ES 9100ES SACD/CD/DVD player (circa 2005) and a few brand new Shunyata and Synergistic Research power cables. Not all sellers are trying to pull one over on the buying public.