Never Used -- in Sealed Box

Who are the people who keep buying audio equipment, then offering it for sale without even opening the box? There seem to be regular listings for all levels of equipment which have never even been auditioned by their owners. Do these same people ever buy, say, bridges, or Florida beach property? Or do they believe that perhaps we are interested in buying some?

Showing 1 response by blackhawkskid6

I have bought and sold NIB/Never used/only opened to check shipping for :

Belles Aria Integrated
Rega P6
Harbeth 30.1's
Various cables

Belles: I was purchasing a new turntable and DAC from a dealer. The dealer offered a 'bundle' to me... an in stock unit at a ridiculous price. Why the price? I did not ask. I had heard so much about the Belles that I thought I would try it. After owning for about 6 months I realized I was happy with my system and rather than just 'try' it I could sell it for more unused. The new owner was thrilled.

Harbeth's: I found a brand new pair at another very aggressively low price on another site (non-Harbeth/unauthorized re-seller). Thought I would use them for a second system. The speakers were received and opened by me. they were mint. Here is the catch....they traveled around the world. Came through Greece. A dealer there left the AD network and liquidated out of market. I never hooked them up but they were verified authentic by Harbeth and I sold them to an Agon member. He is happy. 

Cables....commonly, not always, available new at reduced prices that are easy to re-sell. In some cases, dealers are reluctant to advertise them as  'new' and opt for 'demo' but when I received some of them them it was clear the packing was never opened. Some I never used. 

All of the above were sold at a modest financial loss. 

FWIW the advertisements are sometimes legit. Caveat emptor.