Neutral or warm? Which do you prefer?

I have 2 sets of speakers with different characteristics (among others I have).

One is neutral while the other one has more warmth to the sound.

I enjoy both on different music, but started wondering what do other members prefer?

What's "supposed" to be "better"? ... if there is such a thing in hifi.

Opinions of members here are most interesting and educational for me...
I agree that some impromptu venues aren't bad. I live in New Orleans and a lot of what you hear being played in the narrow streets sounds pretty good. Of course, that could be the drinks talking, or listening.
One of the best recordings I have ever heard of a solo saxaphone was done on the middle landing of a ceramic tiled subway stairs entrance.
Neutral is not a subjective thing. It means low distortion.
This is objective.
Measure the signal. Is it the same going in and coming out?
This is the land of engineers, not artists.
Though marketing and the audio rags would have you think otherwise.