Networked Media Player.

There have been a number of threads which have explicitly discussed the issues of spooling audio files from a PC to a pre-amp. A number of members have suggested using either an external USB (such as the now defunct stereolink- which I currently use for my headphone system) or a high end audio PCI card preferably with a digital out.
Both of these options require a PC to be within easy reach of the pre-amp or listening area.
A third option is to use a Networked Media player such as the squeezebox or audiotron to interface between a remote PC and your listening station / high end gear by either wifi or ethernet. I have used both the squeezebox and audiotron to greater or lesser success’s but have yet to find one that matches all of my criteria:
1. Digital out
2. Can spool multiple file formats, MP3, WAV, FLAC etc
3. Looks great and not like some cheap molded plastic gizmo that was hatched in someone’s basement – see SLIMP3, predecessor to the squeezebox.

Has anyone experimented or stumbled across other such devices and what have there experiences been?
Current options are:
1. Roku
2. Joyport 2


Showing 1 response by edumke


Just out of curiosity, what are you using for your 1Tb of disk storage, (and backup)?

I have been having tremendous problems with the LaCie Terrabyte disk.