Network expander and AC quality

I am using an internet network expander that routes the internet signal using my home AC wiring. This obviously superimposes rf information onto my house power lines. Does anyone know if the resulting “dirtying” of my AC power can have a deleterious effect on stereo sound quality?

Showing 2 responses by jjss49


i won’t speak for the op, but yes i think your restatement of the question is correct - to expand a bit....

my situation is like many -- no lan/ethernet connection in a particular hi fi/media room -- so lots of music streamers with ethernet-only connections (no wifi) can’t be used unless we employ a gadget that brings the ethernet jack into the subject room from another room -- these gadgets use the ac powerlines in the house as the transmission medium - something like this:

so the question becomes - geez we obsess already over having a clean ac feed to our precious hifi gear, use expensive cleaners/filters etc etc for best possible SQ - so what is this thingy gonna do to that pursuit? all said and done are we worse off if we use it?

bearing in mind, without the ethernet connection, we are streaming via wifi so there is already airborne radio frequency pollution - but i guess in this case it is not in the powerline...
i have been curious about this as well

be great if someone who is truly qualified to answer would chime in on this question