Netflix and Tivo to stream internet movies to Tivo

Netflix and Tivo just anounced they'll be joining forces in streaming (now) more than 12,000 movies over the internet to your Tivo box. Where as Netflix subscribers have apparently been able to download movies from Netflix on the net already, I guess now they can link up with your Tivo for Tv watching as well?
To me it appears as if the writing is on the wall for DVD and Blue Ray! The convenience of storage media and internet downloads is just gunna be WAY WAY too convenient to consider buying or renting movies on disc, if you ask me. We already download an un-godly amount of MP3 music/movies on the net as it is on our ipods and computer. So I think the disc (other than for convenient storage and record) should be going "bye-bye" real quick like.
Anyone care to input?

Showing 1 response by goatwuss

Have you tried watching streaming movies from netflix? Mega, mega compression. Very messy image.

You are right, of course, but streaming video over the internet to our TV's is the lossy MP3 of video. Not good for people who have any interest in video/sound quality.