Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?

Any opinions on this player? It's only had limited English language reviews, which seem to praise it's tonal accuracy and v. analogue like sound, possibly as a result of using an analogue clock rather than feedback prone quartz crystal, and careful use of vibration control.

Showing 1 response by andrewrona

My experience with the Neodio NR DAC / macbook is that it is very much at home with my Allnic H3000V phono stage, yes its that good,Yes synergy is everything as i have found that using it with the hifi tuning supreme fuses simply closed in and coloured the sound , the blue furutech fuses are the ones to go for! also it had a similar effect when using Argento flow and flow master reference with the flow easily being the prefered choice. ( The Allnic kit is the complete opposite ) I can also confirm that its performance is further elevated from using a purepower regenerator.