Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


Showing 5 responses by oldhvymec

Luis Munoz was in my wedding. Lost his life to complications from Covid Feb 2 2022 Father of 6, Grandfather of 14 and 2 days before he went to heaven became a Great Grandfather. His beloved wife Bitsy has just tested positive an was admitted into Emergency with distressed breathing. I went to school with her, she was in our wedding too..

When YOUR friends and family are taken (Manuel Encarnacion in Aug 2020) by SARS tell me how YOU won’t get a shot. I’ve never heard such selfishness in my whole friggin life.

Argue all you want YOU ARE SELFISH. Period.

The only exception are isolated tribes all over the world.. They will dart YOUR A$$ for snoopin’ anyways. Rightly so.. Green GO!!

My Grandmother was 99 years old when she went to heaven. She had every shot that was ever created. TWICE..

My Mother in law & Father In Law, both over 95 when they went to heaven. Never missed a shot and gave blood every other month until they were 80+. They ask how old they were. LOL

Don't get shots, just walk out in front of a truck it's quicker and cost tax payers a whole lot less. No shots No brains..

Northern Men. I'm America Irish/Sioux! Northern men?

I'll settle Being A MAN! Just a man. God bless Luis Munoz's family. One of the hardest workin' people I ever met. US Steel worker Pittsburg CA.

Don't get a shot do get a shot. My friend is gone, because he caught SARS from someone that was infected. Not from someone that wasn't.. I've seen a few people take back their BS CRAP STUPID stance when they carry their buddies casket.

Last words from Luis: I'll see you soon..

I've had enough, between heart attacks and SARS I've had all I can take. I'm close sad to say.. Lord I'm ready, let me finish what I need to do and go to my heavenly home. No SARs or heart attacks or cancer or O2 machines in heaven. I hear the weather is fine and the Lamb lays down with the Lyon. No wrong, only right.

I don't want to argue I want my two friends back, that's all, can someone fix this with an argument?


fredrick222, you're pretty friggin smart. When it comes to WHO pays for what. Things change don't they?

WHY am I getting a 100,000 bill and HE pays nothing.. HE was vaccinated.. PERIOD. What a concept. You have to pay for your OWN sins, even though there was an alternative that at least relieved some of the symptoms, pain, suffering, spreading and COST..

Being right in your own mind is fine.  Trying to convince me that you know what your talking about, is good for anyone else, has to have a consequence. The word is a pretty powerful thing if the same BS gets said over and over. There is no POLIO or Hansen's disease, or Cholera or Diphtheria or ......... I wonder why?

Did they get it right every single time. 1000 failures to get a single vaccine? 20, 30, 100,000. vs 7.9 billion..

The world is a BIG place with lots of people. NOT just the neighbor across the street you HATE.. Mercy, mighty small thinkin'

BTW Martians invaded the White House and painted it RED. Now what is more important. Getting along or Getting it ON!! I'm game!!!


@oldhvymec I suggest you sell some of your music equipment, and get at least a dozen of these immediately. 


I haven't been sick with anything other than heart attacks behind blood clots in my heart and lung. Stupid me! I wasn't on any type of heart med or BP med or thinner. POW!

I was putting up a fence and a 6x6 post from the local lumber yard was being delivered at the time. The delivery guy lost his grip and bingo, that 60+ lb 10ft 6x6 hit the back of my knee and I buckled (can't imagine why CLIPPING 15 yards)

3 days later I'm having heart attacks non stop for over 40 hours.. Covid has everything in full lock down.

The back of my leg looked like my stay in the 4 x 4ft home away from home in Panama 30+ years ago.  It took me a while to learn to shut my mouth, they beat me daily. I wouldn't shut up.. Still won't. I hope that guys lips fell off for beating me.. I forgave him.. Took a while though..

Me and the GOOD Lord got in the NY minute mode a few times over the years, never once have I EVER felt alone.. Buddy I been in some tight spots too.

IF I wouldn't have been taking malaria meds and been thoroughly immunized I would not have made it period.. To many guys in that place were being lost to hepatitis, malaria or amoebic dysentery. They did have the he/she's separated but sexually transmitted diseases were a killer too at the time. The beating were almost worth the segregation from some of the perverts.. Almost.. I never had a problem. Mechanics have VICE grips. I grab it, it comes OFF.. :-)

Yes I do think I’m the only one. It’s obvious, no ONE is having any issues with people just like you only with people like me. Isn’t that what you’re trying to convince me of.

I’m not repeating what someone else said. I’m giving an example that chosen ignorance has no place in our society anymore than laying on hands and expecting a miracle when the miracle is right in front of you in the way of a doctor.

Some people still believe in fasting for God sakes and other VERY foolish practices. No one is stopping them from their own ways. Go out and drive then pass out, who is the more foolish? The sanctimonious few doing the deed or the ones passing out from a very contagious SARs, which they probably wouldn’t have IF we could get the rest of the world, NOT you just the rest of the world, to help stop the spread and contain the mess.

You got the right to complain about YOU not me buddy. I did my part, over and over and over for MY country.. The only thing that is owed at this point is to me, and right AFTER me your next. Fall in line, the line forms to the rear after everyone else that is ahead of you.. Got a vaccination and go to the hospital, you’ll be treated, go to the hospital and not be vaccinated, you’ll be put in isolation and the time clock punched for every single minute of care you need..

Pay on the way out, hope you don’t come back.

Labor camp is out back if you have a payment problem..

No different than at the border, NO WORK, NO EAT. Bring your job with you and leave your family behind.. period.. The same way my parent did all over this flippin’ world.. BTW ME TOO. I worked the world, I didn’t travel it..

You have NEVER seen sickness, just pictures, wait till you smell it..

Mr. Smarty pants.. Africa 1977. My God. Hemorrhagic fever outbreak.. 120 degrees in SCBA. You could smell the stench at 29,000 feet before we landed..

Feeling sorry ain’t the problem, scared to death is more like it..

It ain’t got bad yet.. I hope it never does.. 3 weeks is ALL it takes for the world to change. How much crow can you eat. SARS can kill everything, not just birds, people, pigs, dogs and cows. It’s a pesky little devil.