Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


Showing 8 responses by noske

A fairly undignified testament of one’s faith to accuse anyone who confronts it with facts to be paranoid.

@yuviarora Let’s do the math...Omicron is 91% less deadly (so about half the deaths/infection).....The American public can't do simple math.

Your IQ is, say, 100.

My IQ is 91% less than yours.

Is my IQ half of yours?  Or more than yours? 

Careful, it might be a trick question.

Should anyone be seeking a recently released DAC that has MQA deleted from its brain, the SMSL SU-9n is one to consider.

Its the only recent Sigma Delta DAC that I'm aware of that doesn't feature this insidious technology.

@pesky_wabbit Will it ever be possible to have a rational Neil Young music thread on Gon ever again?

Is that a play on words?

@yuviarora There are five times more vaccinated people than unvaccinated - 85% of Canadians are vaccinated.

All other things being equal (they aren’t), were vaccinations of no effect at all, the expected number of cases who have been vaccinated would be 85% and 15% per 100,000 of population on a proportional basis.

So if in total there are 2,093 cases per 100,000, 85% is 1779, and 15% is 314.

This is not an exact science because there are many other factors which may make one group more or less susceptible to be caught than the other.

Hey, I'm not picking on you, I'm just clarifying what is often not well understood by many people including those people reporting and analyzing provided statistics - the concept known as pro rata, which can be googled, but roughly it means to take into consideration the relative proportions.

It is quite a useful concept to understand in general.


@yuviarora Vaccine mandates are a crime against humanity, and are in direct violation of the Helsinki Declarations and the Nuremberg Code. 

Did you make that up?  Because its not true.

@frogman The idea that the unvaccinated should lose or be downgraded for medical services is not only the result of this fear, it is also inhumane.

Very inhumane.  There is a solution of course, and that is to make taxpayer funds available for sufficient medical resources, nurses, doctors, support staff, facilities and everything else I've forgotten so that everyone can be treated on a fair and equal basis.

In the absence of this, what is your solution?  Something to do with eliminating this fear thing that is causing the problem?

This extract from the Code confirms that the current Covid vaccine program is not in violation of the Nuremberg Code.

It goes to exactly what I already know and the basis upon what I said. So my original statement stands.