Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


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Life is messy.

Most cannot deal with the fact that life is messy. They want quick and simple answers to problems and are sadly willing to sacrifice personal freedom for the illusion and comfort of “security” and the facade of not having to find a reasonable and effective way of navigating life’s very messy waters.

When the simple answers are not forthcoming the result for many is fear. Fear, to the extent that the blame for whatever problem is at hand is irrationally placed on those who dare to have a different point of view and who value the freedom to have that different point of view. That different point of view is denigrated as “ideology”; all the while being blind to the fact that this denigration is ideology itself. The idea that the unvaccinated should lose or be downgraded for medical services is not only the result of this fear, it is also inhumane.

Could anyone in this day and age argue that smoking is not a bad idea? Or, that overeating to the point of obesity is not a serious mistake? Or, that not wearing seat belts….? Or…..

Has anyone looked at the hospitalization rates for lung cancer, obesity, or no seat belt use related problems; just to name a few? Should those folks lose or be downgraded for medical services as well? Where does it end?

I am triple vaxxed. It was my freedom to be so.


Of course it was an attempt at censorship by Young. We can get hung up on the details of whether his actions were “technically” censorship or not, but his intent was clear. He did not simply (and honorably) walk away from Spotify in protest; he gave them an ultimatum…me, or Rogan. There is no doubt in my mind that Young, due to the typical overblown sense of self importance held by some artists, especially the aging ones in search of relevance, was shocked (to say the least) that Spotify would choose Rogan over him. Then, being unsuccessful, he doesn’t stop there. Now he is encouraging those working for Spotify to jump ship and leave their place of employment so as to “save their souls”. Really? Overblown sense of self importance.