Needing DAC Advice

My main, current system is a Schiit Urd through a Benchmark DAC3 B through a Schiit Freya+ (running in passive mode exclusively - I haven't even tried the tube output), to Pass Labs X150's to Martin Logan SL3's (and a couple of rythmik subs).

When I 'listen' to music, I listen to CD's or vinyl. I don't stream - too many places for signal compromise in the streaming chain for my tastes and, more importantly, I'm vehemently opposed to paying a provider who profits by paying artists virtually nothing for their content. When I can, I buy physical media directly from the artists I want to hear. 

A brief description of my pathway to here: the best-sounding system (for me) I've ever had was a modded Wadia 831 direct to a Pass Lab amp to ML's. (I'm a less is more adherent). I replaced the Wadia, as it was getting long in the tooth and I was worried about service, with an Oppo BDP105, then a modded 105D, again, directly driving the amps. Decent, but not the magic of the Wadia.

Which brings me to today - a transport and DAC. After much research, I went with the URD (because of the transport) through the Benchmark .I added the Freya+ in case I want to add vinyl to this system and the fact that the Freya is a 3-in-1 preamp. (I've got another, tube-based system for vinyl).

And here's the issue. The system is not a terribly musical-sounding set up. It 'sounds' very good: great detail, fast, big soundstage, blah, blah, blah...All those adjectives we regularly throw around. It's very 'there'! Sounds better than with the Oppo. But it is not...engaging? No soul?

I'm thinking it's the DAC. Maybe I'm just might not be a fan of Sabre or DS in general. Maybe I need try an R2R DAC. So, I started looking: Border Patrol, Denefripes, Mojo Audio, MHDT Orchid, HoloAudio, Lab 12, or even the Schiit Yggy.. Some of these add tubes which I'm not sure I want to do unless they can be bypassed (much as I love tubes, I'm not sure a DAC is the right place to use them.) Finally, before I go down the DAC rabbit hole, I will give the Freya tube output some serious listening, just in case tubes are the missing link. Otherwise, my questions are do you think that R2R is directionally correct and, if so, what suggestions/recommendations might you have? Thanks and I apologize for the length but I'm well aware that more detail I can provide upfront, the more useful your responses are likely to be.


When you say 'Im not a believer in cable magic', I look at cables as another piece of equipment. not unlike a new amp or transport, none of which are magical, they simply add a new character to the sound, preferably a better sound, or swap it out for another, when going down the long road of being a audiophile, 

Im guessing another phase for magic, could be a bigger well defined soundstage,  holography, three dimensional. has soul, whatever vernacular you wish to apply, cables, like tubes, can add a greater since of the above and are analogs to any other piece of equipment in your system that makes a difference, nothing necessarily magic about any single piece of equipment, cumulatively this is where you find the alluring and addictive synergy.

As it has been stated many times, when getting 'new' equipment, all of us think we have made a mistake, sounds flat, dull, until we take the time needed to break-in the piece of equipment, parenthetically cables are especially sensitive to this break-in period

Even when knowing this break-in period is required, still painful process, I just bought a new DAC from Weiss audio, talked with Daniel Weiss about this break-in period, he told me only takes 24 hours, he was just about spot on, I had to be patient, I recall my NBS black label cables took over 100 hours of break-in, not fun when paying these high prices, thinking that it was a mistake, up until the 'wizardry' starts to happen



Post removed 

As I continued to research and ponder whether to re-dac or not, I made another change to this system that produced rather unexpected but very welcome results. I came across another Pass X150 at an attractive price and, well, you can never have too many good amps, right? So I picked it up.

Having two identical stereo amps now I decided to try vertically bi-amping the SL3s (does that make the amps 'stereoblocks'?). Stunning difference. I'm not kidding. More of everything, top to bottom, left to right, in and out. Unbelievable depth, immediacy, clarity, all the buzzwords apply. I had to basically remove the subs from the system (they make good plant stands though so still in the room.) The music sounds 'live'. Instruments sounds like real live instruments being played in the room. And I no longer 'hear' the dac.

As an engineer, I struggle to explain this dramatic change. Yes, speaker cable length went from 2m to a .5m, 2X. Sure, channel separation might improve (maybe). Of course, power available doubled from 300W@4ohms to 600w but it's not like 300w shouldn't be sufficient to drive these speakers at reasonable levels. (ML recommended power is 20-400w and a nominal impedance of 4ohms, 86db eff.)

As a musician, I just revel in the sound.