Need your thoughts - LTA 40+ vs Pathos Inpol Integrated amp on 98db speakers.

Going to buy a different amp, I am interested in a LTA 40+ or and a Pathos Inpol integrated amp to drive my 98db speakers.  I cant audition either one with out buying them and returning one of them.  That really would be a pain in the butt, but also probably the smartest thing to do.  Its hard to find much info on these two products vs each other or against  standard tube integrateds.  Your thoughts would be appereciated.



Showing 2 responses by pdreher

I'd be leaning heavily towards LTA, largely based upon @dodgealum comments above.  However... if you are considering Pathos, I'd add their TT Anniversary integrated to the list of considerations, as I had the standard TT model about 15 years ago and it was excellent sounding, as well as being aesthetically unique and cool looking IMO.

Which model LTA do you plan on buying?  What speakers do you have?   Please give updates on your experience, as I have speakers of similar sensitivity (Altec Lansing  Model 19's) and I've been eyeing LTA offerings as a possible future amp or integrated.