Need your thoughts - LTA 40+ vs Pathos Inpol Integrated amp on 98db speakers.

Going to buy a different amp, I am interested in a LTA 40+ or and a Pathos Inpol integrated amp to drive my 98db speakers.  I cant audition either one with out buying them and returning one of them.  That really would be a pain in the butt, but also probably the smartest thing to do.  Its hard to find much info on these two products vs each other or against  standard tube integrateds.  Your thoughts would be appereciated.



Showing 1 response by dodgealum

To me this is a no brainer—you can get a David Berning designed amp that is bulletproof, lightweight, will run forever on a set of tubes, and is made right here in the USA or take a chance on an exotic Italian unit of questionable pedigree and performance. Look at the user and reviewer accolades heaped on the LTA amps—does the Pathos compare? To me the question you should be asking is WHICH LTA—the Reference 40 or the Ultralinear. Both will drive your speakers well and they do sound different. Call Mark or Nicholas and ask them to send you one of each to try. Decide which you like best and return the other. Both are end game amps for high efficiency speakers.