Need your thoughts - LTA 40+ vs Pathos Inpol Integrated amp on 98db speakers.

Going to buy a different amp, I am interested in a LTA 40+ or and a Pathos Inpol integrated amp to drive my 98db speakers.  I cant audition either one with out buying them and returning one of them.  That really would be a pain in the butt, but also probably the smartest thing to do.  Its hard to find much info on these two products vs each other or against  standard tube integrateds.  Your thoughts would be appereciated.



Showing 4 responses by brm1

Yes I know, but you have to buy it and then return it if you dont like it.

Im trying to avoid buying 2 amp and then sending one back.. a lot of money to invest to get going!

jerryg123, your post says you "had " an inpol amp, if you liked it, why did you get

rid of and it? What did you replace it with?



  So you you've owned tubes and Inpol,can you compare the sound of the two types of amps.  I started with SS and moved to tubes 25 years ago.  I love the sound of tubes, but getting tired of fussing with them.  I know I dont want SS, or the typical hybrid amp, so thats  why I am looking at the Pathos Inpol.  I have always been curious about LTA amps, but I just dont have any experience with either.


Well since I cant afford to buy both amps and audition them, sounds like the LTA,

is the safe and best bet!  Jerry I agree with your assessment of typical

hybrids, they don't do it for me either.  Just tired of fussing with tubes after 25 years, but don't want to loose all of the tube sound.  It sounds like the Inpol might work, but might not for a long term deal and then it would be hard to sell. I only have 1 more day to decide, cuz LTA sale ends tomorrow.

Thx For your help guys, I appreciate it.
