Need your help finding a pair of speakers.........

Hello all,
I just sold a pair of AndraII's. Everthing is packed and ready for my helper to pick-up for shipping on Tuesday 12/27/2006. I have a budget of $20K-30K. Can you please give me some recommendations based on experience? It took me a long time and a lot of money to find the Andra's but my curiosity got the best of me so here i am looking for new stuffs. I would like to keep my electronics (conrad/johnson top-of-the-line). For the last 5 years, I have not kept anything for more than a year. This time, i would like to buy a pair of speakers that I can keep for a long time. If needed I will expand my budget but prefer not. No WILSON please, I have tried and they are not for me.
Thanks for your time,
Ag insider logo xs@2xginas

Showing 1 response by bkonig

All I can say is that I personally will Not call anything the Best. That is because there are lots of things out there that I may not have heard or are not very familiar with. I will say however that the big Kharmas and Tenors are definitely amongst the elite and amongst the best available. I will also say that the Evolution Acoustics is the BEST speaker I have ever heard. When you hear them, it is not like listening to a speaker due to the way they disappear and their UNBELIEVABLE level of purity, clarity, resolution, etc. It is really hard to put into words, that is how impressed I was and that is why I can't wait to get my personal pair of MM2's. To understand my taste, I have been impressed with the following speakers: Verity Sarastros, Kharma Exquisites, Avalon Eidelon and Larger Avalons, MBL 101e's, big ESP's. These are all fantastic examples of super HiFi, but the Evoluton Acoustics transcended HiFi.