Need tube help!

Greetings fellow Audiogoners!

I just purchased a PrimaLuna ProLogue 2 integrated amp from a fellow Audiogon member.  I want to start fresh with a new array of tubes.

The amp hosts four KT88'S, two 12AU7's, and two 12AX7's.

Open to all price ranges.  

Any help/suggestions/recommendations would be most appreciated.

Thank you all very much, and happy listening!


Showing 5 responses by judsauce

Newbie, thanks for the prompt!

This is for a second system in my house, relatively a minimalist system.

Vintage Sony direct drive turntable, fed to a QHW Audio, “The Vinyl” solid state phono pre-amp (recommended by Mike Fremer).

Older Kavent CD731 tube buffered CD player.

All fed to a pair of stand-mounted Von Schweikert VR1 monitors.

In terms of what “sound” I am looking for?  I would have to say that I am a believer in neutrality.  I don’t want to over emphasize any portion of the frequency spectrum EXCEPT, I do like tightness, speed and slam.  Maybe that sounds conflicted.

My musical preferences are jazz fusion, funk, some rock and R and B.  And, yes, some classical, but mostly all instrumental arrangements, not a lot of vocals.

I hope that this helps somewhat in selecting tubes for this amps.

Thank you all again!

Thanks Rich!

I did follow up with a description of my system, as well as some music preferences. (See above).  

Can’t wait to read your review.

Rich, you are not going to believe this, but that review you wrote years ago?  I had recently dug it up and read it!  It was very well written and gave me the nudge to buy this integrated amp in discussion.

Thank you!!!

Thank you all so much for your replies. I made notes from every single entry.

Have a great day and enjoy your music!!!