Need tube help with tube buffer 6SN7 tubes

Hey guys,

I just got a Yaqin CD3 tube buffer. It came with a pair of chrome top (I believe) NOS tubes that were labeled as follows:


Philips ECG 8626

34167 USA ADC

I'm not going to comment on the effects of the tube buffer yet, except to say that I have heard a difference. I would like to get another set of tubes and was considering a pair of Sylvania Bad Boy tubes. I'm considering these tubes for no reasons other than that I've read good things about them and they are reasonably priced at under $100 for a matched pair.

I'd appreciate any comments regarding the tubes that I have and those that I am considering getting. I'd also appreciate comments or recommendations regarding alternatives. What I'm looking for is a good "all around" tube.

For what it's worth, I'm running an NAD C162 pre, Aragon 2004 amp, Emotiva XDA-1 DAC, Squeezebox Touch (fed by NAS), Paradigm Studio 10 speakers and a small REL sub.


Showing 5 responses by tonyangel

Jmcgrogan, am I to understand that the Philips that I have are similar to the Sylvanias that you have and like?

Geoffkait, I assure you that I do not jest....and don't call me Shirley.

Ok, seriously, I take it that the Bad Boys are indeed good and worth $100 for a matched pair. I suppose a more direct way of putting my question would be...are the Bad Boys a worthwhile upgrade over the WGTAs that I have?
Brf, are you sure about that? I did some reading up (which is all that I can do) and at least one source ( I believe) say that there is no difference in sound quality.
Jmcgrogan2, what you said is the reason why I'm asking about less expensive tubes. I'm pretty sure that any changes brought about by the tubes would be subtle.

Geoffkait, I don't know what to tell you. I've found at least a couple of vendors that have been mentioned here on the gon that have Bad Boys for right at $100 a pair. There's even a guy on here selling some for $120.
Geoffkait, yeah, I saw those for $120 a pair and has 'em for $80 and $99 a matched pair.

I did confirm that it was on's site where I read that there is no sonic difference between the two and three hole tubes.

In any case, I'm not willing to spend more than $100 on a pair of tubes for a buffer, so I suppose I'll just try a pair of the tubes from audiotubes.
Geoffkait, yeah, I thought that too. On the other hand, the converse could be true too. If I happened to have a line on the three hole version as a retailer, I might imply that there is a difference between the two and three hole versions too.

That's why I asked if any could actually hear a difference.