Need TT setup Help

I recently purchased a Orbe Platter upgrade for my Michell Gyrodec Mk1. Prior to the upgrade the rig was set up perfectly. Ive noticed after the platter change something just isnt right. Ive noticed that the Orbe platter is 1/4in taller than the original platter. Could that be the problem here?

the Gyros have a fixed arm height based upon a dedicated armboard

Showing 1 response by caterham1700

You didn't mention what tonearm you are using with your table but FYI,Michell sells a VTA adjusting collar mechanism for the Rega arms that allows raising of the arm.OL,Basis and Express Machining also have similar devices.I have no idea which is the best unit to choose from,tho nor if models exist that fit other tonearms.