The specs that you are going to be concerned with are the resistance ( probably in the Kohm or 100Kohm range - 10 thousand to hundred thousand ohm range) since these are US made? this will probably be marked on the back of the potentiometer it's self.Is it a stereo pot or mono? If stereo - it might be either a linear taper ( most likely) or a audio taper.For your application - this might not make much difference.
If you can get at it relatively easily and there is a obvious opening in the case into the innards of the pot- consider spraying one of the CAIG lab products into it and rolling the pot from max to min several times as you do this.This may take care of the problem for several years - however -if it's going to take half a day to get at the thing - consider just replacing the pot entirely.
If you can get at it relatively easily and there is a obvious opening in the case into the innards of the pot- consider spraying one of the CAIG lab products into it and rolling the pot from max to min several times as you do this.This may take care of the problem for several years - however -if it's going to take half a day to get at the thing - consider just replacing the pot entirely.