Thank you all! This is is all really helpful. I'm in New York. Does anyone have experience with Audio46? Although I expect there will be lots of home trials, a good store would be helpful. (And FWIW if I find what I want in a store, I'll buy it in a store - it's hard enough being in business without being a showroom for the internet.) I am partial to tubes, so I'll be checking out Woo and the VM-1A for sure. This is going to be fun!
Need to build a headphone system
I'm looking for advice. I need a headphone system for an apartment. I am overwhelmed both by the variety of headphones and amps out there and the difficulty of auditioning them. My budget is about 8.5K for amp and cans. I listen to lots of chamber music, solo instrumental and other small group stuff, so I appreciate detail and responsiveness. But I shy away from analytic - my main system amp has beautiful glowing tubes. Although I stream a lot, I also listen to a lot of vinyl. I wear oticon behind the ear hearing aids. Music sounds noticeably darker and less detailed when I take them out. So certainly not in-ear! Any expertise on listening with aids is greatly appreciated.
Showing 4 responses by label19
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've listened to a number of headphones so far. I have not been able to hear the RAAL's, so I guess I will contact them directly. Focal's don't play well with my hearing aids. Sennheisers do. Audio46 was not much help. Bus have been a low point in their stocking cycle, and they are not going to open boxes of hi-end cams just for a listen (which I understand). |
@larsman I too have oticon behind-the-ear aids. I see your point about in-ear aids. That's going to be expensive. My oticons are 6K. What are you using for in-ear? It might be worth the investment for me because the headphone system will be my main system in one of my two residences. (My wife and I have been commuting for dogs years.) @soix agreed. That's what I'm going to do. It's a little complicated since it's a headphone/amp pair I need. I'm on the road a lot, so this is becoming a slow and frustrating process. |