Need Suggestions

Since Axpona 2016, I have replaced / updated almost my entire system, except Speakers. In the last 3 to 4 weeks I have auditioned. Rockport Atria I, Focal Sopra 2 & 3s, Paradigm ( I forget which models ), Wison Sabrinas, Yvettes, and Sashas 2s.  All were good in one way or another. None totally blew me away. Not one made me want to give up my Avalon Opus speakers that are going to be 14 years old this Thanksgiving.

Speakers last a longtime and IMO are the hardest to replace. 

I have never been able to get on the panel bandwagon. Took 4 years to switch from Thiels to Avalons. Due to health issues, I don't know if I have even that much time left.

I am a Vinyl guy. 3000 + records, 83 CDs (4 are test or burn-in disks)

My Gear is:

Pass Lab XA160.8s and XP 20 pre, previously Spectral Owner for 20 years.
Phonostages, Manley Steelhead and Pass XOno
Turntables, Technics SL1200G w/ Triplanar arm, Lyra Kleos cartridge
                 , Kuzma Stabi w/ upgraded platter and outboard power supply, 12" VTA arm, Dynavector XX II mk2

I did listen to some fine CDPs, Streaming (I guess Dacs) The digital just made me happy that I never jumped on that train and continued with vinyl all these years.

Appreciate suggestions for speakers to search out. 20 to 25 K is my target range. I would stretch to 30K if they Really, REALLY, blew me away. I missed Axpona due to health and weather issues this year. You really can't audition speakers at the shows anyway. 

This will be my final system.

Thanks for suggestions and best to All on this journey.

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

Hi nkonor,

Your Avalons are a VERY tough act to follow.  I was a SoundLab dealer for many years and Avalon was the only similar-price-ballpark "conventional" speaker that I really wanted to become a dealer for.  (Instead I ended up becoming a speaker manufacturer myself, but that does not diminish my respect for Avalon.)

Can you tell us a little about what qualities matter the most to you?

Any particular constraints imposed by your listening room?

Anything else that would be a potential deal-breaker or deal-maker?

I don't have anything in mind at this point but maybe a little more information about what you're looking for would jog my mind or someone else's.

