Need suggestions on efficient book shelf speakers for a Pass Labs XA3.5

*sorry amp is XA30.5 -will not let me edit headline.
My current speakers are KEF 201/2 which have a low sensitivity of 85. Amp is only 30 watts class A. Sounds good but the volume is limited. Hoping more efficient speakers will provide greater volume? Looking for suggestions in the $2k -4k used or $3k- 8k new.


Showing 1 response by auroravengeance

If you can wait a little a couple months more, the first batch of Epos is supposedly shipping out next month and according to a local dealer who actually heard it in Munich, there's simply nothing else better at that price point. 

3K - 8K new should be able to get you the flagship Triangle Magellan Duetto and AudioVector R1 Arrete. If you prefer more neutral sound you could get the cheaper ATC SCM19. I am using Cabasse Riga, the current iteration Riga 2 cost around 6K for the base/bookshelf version. I love it to bits and it is a very easy pair of speaker to drive, but you need to have a good sub pairing for it. 

2K - 4K used I would probably keep a lookout for an used Special 40th or any of the speakers I mentioned above.