Need suggestions for streaming files to my stereo

Hello everyone. I'm looking for a way to stream files (AAC, ALAC, FLAC) to my home stereo. The files are on my PC laptop, or on iTunes on my iPhone etc. I pretty much exhausted my budget on my power amp and speakers so Im looking for the best budget pieces I can afford to get the music flowing for now. I currently have Kef ks50s, a Red Dragon S500, a SMSL Sanskrit, and a Google Chromecast Audio.   I'll likely pick up a Schiit SYS preamp. 

With this current setup I can only pretty much stream Pamdora, since Itunes won't work with the CCA.   It's looking like the lowest cost option available is to use different software to handle the music files such as JRiver, or PowerDVD Ultra, but I'm unsure if this is the best way?  Any other ideas, software, hardware etc?  I have an insanely low budget of around $200 left to buy the rest, let's see what you guys can think of. 

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Thanks everyone. There's a lot to think about. I'm glad there is a number of solutions for my situation. For the Bluesound and Auralic suggestions: yes that is an option I looked at but it's too much for now. Perhaps down the line I'll pick one up. 

Using the CCA would be nice since I already have it but it's not a fine deal. I also realize that it does have only 24/96 capability. But using just that plus software is very tempting and the lowest cost route. 

I admit Im a little intimidated by the Raspberry PI but it sounds very promising. I'm guessing it's not as difficult as it sounds?  I also saw on another forum that Logitech Music Server is another good software to use?

Apple tv would also be very easy to do but since it doesn't work with hi-res music, and it doesn't allow for external drives, that may be off the table since I'd like to try using hi-res files from say HDtracks. 
This is why I am so glad we have this forum!  Thanks prpixel, I wasn't aware of the status of LM service. Yup I don't think I'll be going that route. And yes I thoroughly agree with your assessment of the mercurial nature of technology. It is wonderful on one hand but extremely costly on the other. That's the other reason I don't want to drop too much on those pieces. 

Ull investigate the Raspberry option more. Any more suggestions from everyone? 
Thanks for explaining that bit about LM. The options are great, and to be honest Prior to this post zi didn't think it would be possible to put together something for such a paltry amount. Sure am glad I posted the question!  The Raspberry option sounds pretty good. 

One last wuestion (for now). Any preferences for the OS for the Raspberry (if I understood this correctly), JRiver, etc...?
Thanks to all of you I now have a grasp of how the system works. Now that I understand it better, I thought of a few options. Please let me know what sounds best (or if it's even viable). 

1. Use a 7 year old Dell laptop that I forgot we had. Works fine but so may want to upgrade the wireless and Bluetooth. Drawback is if I leave it running for extended periods, it heats up and the fan engages every few minutes. 

2. Use a tablet connected to an external HDD that holds the music files?

3. Stick with the Raspberry option.