Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .

I love the tube sound, but I don't necessarily want the tubes. I currently run a CJ PV12. Does anyone have any ideas? My main problem is that auditioning is limited in my area. I am pretty confident that the SS CJ stuff will sound tube-like. But I don't even think there is a dealer in my area. Some needed information: run a Bryston 4B-ST for power, Meridian 508.24 for CD, some PMC FB-1 monitors for speakers, silver Audioquest cable all around. I would like to keep the damage under 5K. As for auditions in my area, I can probably find Bryston, Audio Research, Aragon, Meridian. Oh, I'm sure these stores are authorized dealers for a lot of stuff, but they don't carry some of the pricy brands in stock or as demo. Help would be appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by sedond

redkiwi, i also have gotten negative wotes, sometimes not even for expressing an opinion, but yust cuz it's *me*! ;~)

i can honestly say that i completely disagree w/your position - i tink it's the synergy betwen the specific amp & pre & speakers that makes a system work, & many, myself included, have found a tube pre to work great w/solid-state amps. of course, the electrocompaniet amps i use *have* been accused of having a toob-like quality... ;~)

regards, doug *the negative wotes weren't from me* sedon

c'mon leafs - i tink yure generalizing a bit here. i've heard equipment that made nice music, both toobed *and* s/s. i've also heard equipment that i thought *dint* make nice music, also both toobed & s/s.

for me, personally, i've come to realize that, in order to get sound i like from a solid-state preamp, it's outta my price-range. for me to get sound i like from a toobed amp it's outta my price-range. so, for me, my retail $4600 toob pre & my retail $6k s/s amps work yust fine. of course, if i bought 'em brand-gnu, i couldn't afford *them* either... :>)

re: wotin', i agree it's a yoke - in fact, i find it quite amusing that my prewious post got +2 for delivery, -2 for content. especially ironic, since the point of my post was that i tink it's rediculous to wote negative yust cuz ewe may disagree w/someone... glad some geek disagreed w/me, but liked the way i said it! ;~)

regards, doug s.

pete, yure rite where i'm at now - i'm tryin' to conwince myself i need a pair of melos mat-1000 mono amps, which retailed for $10k/pair. even used, i dunno how the budget wood feel... but, as dekay sez - be careful 'bout woicin' an opinion - yer wotes will suffer - mine sure did! ;~)

doug s.