Check out the Bat, you won't be disappointed. A used Bat vk3i should run you under 1,500 with remote(this is a tube preamp). I've seen them as low as 1,000. When new they were about 3,500. Great surenergy with the bat vk200 used about 1,700 new they are 3,500. I own the bat vk200 and it is rated at 100 watts, what a joke. My old bryston 3bst was rated at 125 and the bat blew it away. Sounds closer to 200 watts. Good luck.
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
I love the tube sound, but I don't necessarily want the tubes. I currently run a CJ PV12. Does anyone have any ideas? My main problem is that auditioning is limited in my area. I am pretty confident that the SS CJ stuff will sound tube-like. But I don't even think there is a dealer in my area. Some needed information: run a Bryston 4B-ST for power, Meridian 508.24 for CD, some PMC FB-1 monitors for speakers, silver Audioquest cable all around. I would like to keep the damage under 5K. As for auditions in my area, I can probably find Bryston, Audio Research, Aragon, Meridian. Oh, I'm sure these stores are authorized dealers for a lot of stuff, but they don't carry some of the pricy brands in stock or as demo. Help would be appreciated.