Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .

I love the tube sound, but I don't necessarily want the tubes. I currently run a CJ PV12. Does anyone have any ideas? My main problem is that auditioning is limited in my area. I am pretty confident that the SS CJ stuff will sound tube-like. But I don't even think there is a dealer in my area. Some needed information: run a Bryston 4B-ST for power, Meridian 508.24 for CD, some PMC FB-1 monitors for speakers, silver Audioquest cable all around. I would like to keep the damage under 5K. As for auditions in my area, I can probably find Bryston, Audio Research, Aragon, Meridian. Oh, I'm sure these stores are authorized dealers for a lot of stuff, but they don't carry some of the pricy brands in stock or as demo. Help would be appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by pcc

Check out the Bat, you won't be disappointed. A used Bat vk3i should run you under 1,500 with remote(this is a tube preamp). I've seen them as low as 1,000. When new they were about 3,500. Great surenergy with the bat vk200 used about 1,700 new they are 3,500. I own the bat vk200 and it is rated at 100 watts, what a joke. My old bryston 3bst was rated at 125 and the bat blew it away. Sounds closer to 200 watts. Good luck.
Hey someone gave me some neg votes also. Maybe they were an employer of God.
I've tried tube pre and tube amp together, it was just to tubey for me(kelly if your out there can you check the spelling on tubey, not sure if I got it right.LOL) I and I state I prefer tube pre and solid state. I still get the tube sound with the power of ss. Like to try one of the big boyes but the big tube amps are way out of my price range. Last time I asked the wife if I could sell here truck to buy one, she threated to put a cart in the garage for me. The bat pre tube and ss amp I fell work great together and are in my range. pete