Argent, why spend any money at all? Your Conrad Johnson is a fine preamp. While it may not be the creme de la creme of preamps don't sell your PV12 short, especially with your Bryston 4B. If you feel the absolute need to change the BAT SS pre and some of the Audio Research LS pre's are nice. Good luck with your choice. PS: If you nixt the PV-12, could I have it? :-)
Need SS preamp that sounds like tube .
I love the tube sound, but I don't necessarily want the tubes. I currently run a CJ PV12. Does anyone have any ideas? My main problem is that auditioning is limited in my area. I am pretty confident that the SS CJ stuff will sound tube-like. But I don't even think there is a dealer in my area. Some needed information: run a Bryston 4B-ST for power, Meridian 508.24 for CD, some PMC FB-1 monitors for speakers, silver Audioquest cable all around. I would like to keep the damage under 5K. As for auditions in my area, I can probably find Bryston, Audio Research, Aragon, Meridian. Oh, I'm sure these stores are authorized dealers for a lot of stuff, but they don't carry some of the pricy brands in stock or as demo. Help would be appreciated.