need speaker mod/repair help

I lost a 61/2" woofer in a psb Mini-Monitor to some type of power surge. I purchased them used and they are no longer under warranty, that I am aware of. Are there after market woofers you can recommend that would provide better sound/detail/imaging? Will a dealer sell repair parts or are they going to want to service it themselves? What should I know before I remove and attempt repair? I realize I will have to replace woofer in both if I go other than psb.
You know it's blown, so remove it. Does it say a name other than PSB on it? If it only says PSB, I would try ordering an exact replacement from PSB (forget about the dealer, unless PSB won't sell you the replacement directly).
Try WWW.MADISOUND.COM. Also, try Van L. Speakerworks in chicago (on Wentern Ave.). Good luck!