Need speaker for a small space and close to wall

We are moving and I need to rethink my system for an 8 foot wall. The room is small and requires me to have the speakers within 12 inches of the wall. Listening position will be 9ft from the speakers and 2 feet from the rear wall. Budget is $3000. Amplification will adjust accordingly. I listen to all kinds of music. Lots of jazz, lots of folk and goth/electronica and soundtracks and throw in some rap and latin music.
A pair of Shelb+Kroll Monitors and the matching Woofer Monitor(sub) will work very well in your room. Very clean and detailed yet musical with a huge sound stage. When I first got my pair they were sitting on a 32"h x 25"w counter top for a couple of months until my stands showed up. There wasn't all that much difference in the sound and tonal quality with them further into the room on the stands, and it was nice to get off of the phone books and sit in my chair normal like. Contact Tim at S+K he may have some B-stock or new (even new will fit your budget) sittin around.
The New Revel performa -3 The f-105 and 106
Have gotten a lot of attention at the
Audio shows and finally is available . I bought the $ F-106
Itis everything they have said and more. I cannot think of any monitor
in the $4-5 k. Range that is this refined and detailed.
They are retail $2000 but Anthony Perotta gave me a good deal.
This whole line beats speakers at several times their price
With -0 exaggeration !
Had a pair of the Revel M-20s a few years back. They were fantastic speakers, wish I still had them. If the new Revels are improvements they must be really good.