Need some Tube and Class A SS Suggestions

I recently purchased a pair of Spendor D7s and am just loving these speakers. I have them paired with a musical fidelity KW 500 integrated. The combo is super fast, tight, and dynamic. However, the Spendors can be a bit too revealing in the high frequencies given a harsh or bright recording. This has me headed down the rabbit hole of tube amplification and possibly Class A SS. If the lowest bass is not as tightly defined I'm ok with. It actually may be too tight and defined at the moment. Added warmth in the upper bass would be fine as well. And if I'm going to upgrade then maybe it's time for separates too!

Here are the power amps I'm considering:
  • Primaluna EVO 400
  • Pass Labs XA25
  • Line Magnetic 805IA
  • Schiit Aegir Monoblocks - the price is just too good.
And on to the preamps:
  • Rogue Audio RP-5 and RP-7
  • PS Audio BHK Preamp
Ideally I would find at least one of the two Pre/Power used. I can probably get about $2200 for the musical fidelity so budget would be about $6k or so assuming I can somehow get both items used.

I'm curious to hear if any thoughts on what I've picked out already and if there are other units worth looking.


Showing 27 responses by shahram

Yes - I've heard that as well. Problem is finding a dealer around here that carries them...
My D7s have probably 200 hours on them or so. Maybe a bit more. I actually have noticed the tweeter evening out a bit. These were a demo pair at a dealer and they were not sure how much it had run in before I bought them.

Anyway, class A amp and Tube Linestage is sounding more and more appealing to me. A bit of sweetness up top is all I really need. Thanks for the feedback.
Maybe I am using the term revealing incorrectly. Maybe it's sibiliance in the high frequencies? I don't know, whatever it is it is uncomfortable to my ears at medium or high volume on certain tracks. A good example is the lead guitar on Wilco's Hate it Here. I don't ever remember this song as being bright. But don't get me wrong, this speaker is amazing in literally every other way.

Interesting that we are in the same boat here! I'm curious to hear what you end up doing. I'm debating whether I should go all Tube or not. If for the only reason being that it sound fun. Haha.

You know what's funny I ready the same review and didn't quite put two and two together. I could trade in my amp to upscale audio and test out a Primaluna for a while to see if it works. In another thread on the steve hoffman forums about the Spendor D7 someone did comment that they heard the D7 with Primaluna gear at a dealer, which is the reason they bought the D7. So who knows.
Well I upgraded from some older Monitor Audio Silver S10s, which are warmer and more forgiving to poorer recordings. I played them back to back on the same recordings and the MA is just not as bright in the treble. Midrange is more recessed and pushed back. Bass is warmer but not quite as impactful. I still have both speakers here so I can switch back and forth.

I'm going to give the Spendors more time to break in and see how it goes.
The only time I get infrequent high frequency distortion/edge/glare revealed by my D7's is with a digital stream in my system. It never appears with vinyl. I use an Auralic Vega G1 and I suspect I'd need to move higher up in the market to get something digitally with a more organic presentation. The thing is that I have zero interest in putting money into a digital front end. Sure, it sounds pretty dang good but I use it mainly to explore new music and find new ideas for purchase on vinyl...or as background music while I'm working around the house.

I would be curious among this group whether they notice the strident tone only with digital as well.

I've got a PS Audio Directstream with the Bridge II streamer. I am not hearing digital as being the problem. The same recordings on Vinyl have the same results for me.
I am in the same boat here.
I have upgraded my system. Currently have a Linn Majik DSM (w/ amp and volume turned off) that feeds a Pass Labs XP-20 preamp and a 250 watt Bryston 4BSST-2 power amp. I have new demo Spendor D9s. Playing vinyl sounds awesome but certain digital recordings can have too much steel edge and grain. The middle and the bass are superb though.
Did some reading and it might be that the Bryston is a poor match with the Spendors. I was going to replace it and then Covid-19 hit. This is a remote location on a small island. So I have postponed replacing the amp with a warmer SS or tube base amp.
But then it hit me: the sound is changing! Very, very noticeable: the highs are softer and more detailed with less reaching for the volume than I did when I first installed the Spendors. I have also been playing with the Linn Space Optimization system. Getting a better result with time and experimenting with the created Linn profile.

So, I am glad I did not rush out and get a new amp. I am in no rush to do so now. I will keep playing the Spendors and listening to their changing sound. I will then get a new amp as a test. No rush though. Who knows how this will work out?

Bottom line: I was somewhat on the fence with component & speaker break in periods? But these Spendors are opening up like a fine wine in a decanter...
Hey Photomax. Looks like fellow Spendor owners are following each other around on the internet :). I’m on the same Steve Hoffman thread as well!
I would pair a Prima Luna tube amp with a Prima Luna tube preamp.  System synergy is key.
I wish I could, but my rack just doesn't have space for two 8 inch tall devices. And my apartment is very limited so a taller rack won't work either. One of either the preamp or poweramp needs to be like less 6.5 inches tall :(
Other than the XA25 mentioned above, I recommend you check out the Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista 600. I listened to it recently with Spendor D9s, a very pleasing result. I imagine it would sound just as good with the D7s if not better
Interesting suggestion. My Musical Fidelity has similar tubes in the preamp as does the the Nu-Vista 600. I wonder how similar they sound. 
I spent a lot of time investigating speakers before I purchased my Spendors. Then came buyers remorse and doubts. But with each passing week I am liking them more and more...
Yes the wine analogy is really on point. But I also wonder how much is the speaker breaking vs. the brain being broken in. I think it's a combo of both.

The sheer number of permutations there are for a pre and power amp combo is staggering. At least you've taken some uncertainty out of one of the combos i'm leaning toward. Thanks for chiming in!
I know a person who drive D9 with Line Magnetic 805 SET amp with satisfaction.

His nickname is "Freesole"
Thanks. I've corresponded with him in that same thread. Unfortunately those Line Magnetic amps are like 10 inches tall and won't fit anywhere in my rack...
A friend of mine had the Spendor D7s and was having the same experience as you. He found the solution to be a Luxman tube integrated. He later swapped the Spendors for Harbeths but that was also due to a problematic room. Good luck as this problem must be solved!
Thanks for the info. Luxman stuff is really nice, but very pricy! If the right used item comes up I will pounce.
Violins always sound a bit screechy to me. I much prefer the cello. So maybe I’ve never heard a properly set up system.

How sensitive are the D7 to off axis adjustments? Can you tweak your toe in until they’ve settled a little more?
One of the handy features with Primaluna (that I never thought I would use) is the switch on the fly ultralinear/triode remote. I’ve used it with both Dynaudio and Zu speakers for recording specific flavor adjustments or just if I’m in a mood. The Spendor D7/D9 are on my short list of must audition. I bought a Primaluna with that in mind for someday. (A plan that is now on temporary hold.)
The Triode switch on the Primaluna amps is one of the primary reasons for looking at Primaluna. Just to switch up the flavor a bit if a recording is too harsh.

I'm leaning heavily toward an EVO 400 Power amp or the older Dialogue Premium HP and pairing that with a tube or hybrid preamp.

Howdy. Yes the RP-5 and RP-7 are on the shortlist for sure. I've heard good things about the Stereo100, but I think I going to avoid Rogue Audio for the power amp. Reading that I will likely need to change the tubes more frequently. Autobias of the Primaluna really is enticing to try different tubes as well.

Yes I agree with that. That's pretty much how I've been building my system slowly over time.

And the D7s are sounding better and better as the days go by with my musical fidelity integrated. This is allowing me to be rather patient with what I do next.

I take your point there. Someone on another message board mentioned how they heard D7s with a Primaluna Dialogue HP at a dealer. They ended up buying the D7 as a result! So i think one thing that will trump what *might* be an issue with measurements is just listening. Hopefully I can figure out a way to do that.
And another Preamp enters the ring. The Linear Tube Audio microZOTL Preamplifier. The preamps I am seriously now considering are:

  • Rogue Audio RP-7
  • Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3
  • Linear Tube Audio microZOTL
All these preamps have a few things in the common. They look attractive and kind of mid century modern. They are not gigantic. And they are partially or fully tube based. One of the main reasons I don't want to consider brands like BAT and Audio Research is I just don't like how they look. BAT especially.

One of the amps I'm considering doesn't have a balanced input, which is the Pass Labs XA25.

Balanced outputs are not a major consideration. More of a nice to have.
Hi @georgehifi 

Thanks for the suggestion here. The impedence of that stereophile graph really doesn't rise until 10khz. A 10khz tone is VERY high pitched. Not much music above 10Khz so that impedence graph doesn't really bother me.

Definitely considering a Primaluna or Rogue Audio preamp with a class A SS power amp. I think if I went class A SS the pass labs XA25 would be my top choice. But part of me really wants to hear what this speaker can do with a Tube power amp...the dilemma continues!

Congrats on the new amp! Is it brand new or used? Please share some thoughts on the pairing with the D7 once you've run them in.

Yes, i realize that low end grip might be compromised some with a tube amp. But I've read that newer tube amps from Primaluna and Rogue do not sound like the tube amps of yore...maybe I can find a dealer nearby that will let me borrow an amp for a fee to test it out.

What tube amp did you use previously? 

When you are listening at what you consider a loud volume, how far do you push the volume knob? Or where do you never go past on the dial?


Thanks for the feedback.

How do you like the midrange and treble of the D7s with the Pass Labs vs. the Cary tube amp?

My volume knob rarely goes past 10am with this amp with a digital source. Vinyl can push it to around 11am.

You are right about the break in. It is happening slowly for sure, but I am hearing the difference as time goes by.

I have been looking at ARC as well. The ARC LS28 preamp is definitely interesting, but a bit pricy at around $4800 on the used market. 
The Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3 has joined the conversation for the preamp. I e-mailed the company and got a prompt reply, so good start there.

Very sexy looking too!