Need some thoughts how to arrange the speakers

I have B&W Matrix 803 S2 and a small room (~4*5.5 meters, see the attached picture). I'm in a process of renovation my flat and I have a possibility to make some changes to get better acoustic results. By the left side it's a kitchen, by the right side - three windows. Yellow is a bar table, blue - sofa, red - tv and green - Matrix. I guess the current version is the most optimal for living but not for the music) But the task is to keep everything in the room...

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Showing 3 responses by alex_bolotnikov

Well right now it's only a project so I can remove or replace almost everything - all the color elements and except for the kitchen.

I recieved more and more advices to put the speaker by the right wall. But it this case I'll need some heavy curtains because it's a sunny side of the building. And no idea how to locate the sofa in this case...
I can't say that I don't like how it sounds now. But I have nothing to compare with because I'm new to this hobby. Well it sounds much better than my computer speakers)

So after all the replies I decided to place the speakers in front of the windows. Maybe TV will go there also because I don't like an idea to add one more chair. Better to use the sofa.