Need some pre-amp advice...

Hey there guys.

I need some pre-amp advice. I currently use a Lexicon MC-12B as my pre/pro, and frankly want to get it out of the loop for two channel processing. I need a pre-amp that will have the following:

Remote control
At least two balanced ins
Ability to drive Pass Labs X600s effectively
and the biggie *** must have *balanced* processor bypass.

That last one is a biggie -- there are not too many preamps that I have found that offer that. Ones that I am considering are:

Krell KCT
Pass X0/X0.2
Sonic Frontiers Line 3
Levinson 320S

I am not opposed to buying used -- my budget is ~6000. Could go lower, could go a little bit higher.

Speakers are Dynaudio Confidence 2, source is Wadia 861b.

I am not opposed to tubes, but there would have to be a compelling reason for them (no experience at all with them)


I absolutely love the sonic frontiers gear. you can pick up a line 3 on the gon for about 2 grand. You would have 4 grand left over. I have had the line 3 for years and not once have i heard something that i prefer except the new VTL pre (12 grand). Sonic frontiers is known for is absolute neutrality and i believe that their gear works wonders for almost any system
I like the Krell and the 320S, check out the ARC Ref II Mk II as well. You should be able to find one used in that price point. Good Luck.
Have you listened to any on your list? Personally, I like the BAT, but at this level, you got to listen to them yourselves. Don't buy base on what I like.