Need some advise please on a 30 year old system

My father was an avid audiophile and passed away about 15 years ago.  His system included Infinity IRS Beta Speakers, Classe Audio DR-9 Amps, Linn Sondek LP 12 Turntable, Maestro audio cables, Sprectral DMC 10 Preamp and a lot of other extras.  Around 8 years ago we sold the home and I put things in storage.  It was my dad's pride and joy and hate to see it stripped for parts.  It's in great shape but hasn't been turned on in years.  I've come to the realization that I don't want to keep it and I'd appreciate some suggestions on what to do with it.  Thank you

Showing 1 response by elliottbnewcombjr

check each single piece on and ebay to see what others are asking/getting for them. 'watch' on eBay, take your time if you can.

extremely unlikely you will sell the system 'together'.

then you have some sense of value.

protection for shipping is critical, you don't need problems, plan on double box, charge enough for shipping.