Need replacement woofers for my ProAc Response Twos

I just got word that UPS destroyed my ProAc Response Two woofers that were sent to Millersound for re-foaming, so I'm desperate for finding replacement woofers. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Thanks, I've emailed ScanSpeak directly but no repsonse, I might try these.  I've love to find another pair of Response Two woofers that need repair that I can send to Millersound.
Try Madisound. I needed a scan speak midrange. They sent it in a couple days. 
Has anyone had any luck with dealing directly with ScanSpeak about purchasing their products? I’ve emailed them twice with no response.

ScsnSpeak does not sell to consumers directly  - only to distributors and OEM customers.  Your Email will most likely be forwarded to Madisound who will in turn reply to you.  FWIW  I do have one 18W8543 which is the clear poly cone / rubber surround 18 cm woofer. 

Best of luck 
