Need Reel to Reel Tape Primer Sources

Where can I learn about reel to reel tapes so I can purchase intelligently blank reel to reel tapes? I've read bits and pieces about tape age, binders, sizes, thickness, Maxcell vs. Ampex vs. Scotch vs Realistic?, Regular tape vs. Chrome-magnetic, metal tape holders vs. plastic?, etc..., but no coherent explaination in one or two places that makes sense. Can anyone point a newbie in the right direction for information and grounding in this new undertaking? Or, share a few good pointers? I just bought a TEAC A 5500. Thanks.
What is important about tape performance is making sure that the tape head bias during record matches the tape you are using. To set this up usually requires a bit of test equipment.

Modern tape absorbs moisture over time which causes them to shed their oxides. You can use a low temperature oven on low for 45 minutes to an hour (a car on a hot day works well also) to force the moisture out of the tape and it will then work for months or years before you have to do it again. I store tape in a plastic bag with a bag of silica-gel to reduce moisture absorption by the tape.
I could use a primer myself, hard to keep it all straight as I get into tape. I'm going to have to learn to set bias (the person I would take decks to is backed up in work by I would say several years, the last time I was in his shop there was no more floor space even in the lobby!).

I have a tape collection that I store in a room seperate from my system (it gets into the 90's sometimes in the summer and I read that tape should be stored in a dry temperature stable enviornment?).
Andy_p, heat is not the enemy, humidity is. 90s is fine for tape if the humidity is low- they will be less sticky.