Need recommendations on stand mount speakers

So my secondary system consists of the following:

VPI Prime TT + Nagaoka MP500 cart
Parasound JC3+
AR Classic 60 (60 watt tube amp)
Acurus LS 11 line stage preamp
Vandersteen 2ce speakers

 my room is rather small, 12 x 13 and I’d like to experiment with some stand mount 2 ways that will have a similar sound to the ole Vandersteens but more open.  

Im considering used but my brick and mortar is limited to Magnolia stores. I heard some B&W 2 ways ( not the metal tweeters, but the lower model) and they sounded nice but at $4k +/- that’s more than I’m willing to spend. 

Im thinking $2k +/-.

any thoughts?

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