Need Recommendations for a pair of Speakers around $1,000

Hey All !

Ok, so with wife is good with spending about $1K on a pair of speakers.

I'm not sure of the preamp yet but the amp will most likely be an Adcom GFA-545 not the 545II.

I now have an older pair of Dayton Wright LCM-1's which are more suited to a smaller room.

The new speakers will be in the living room connected to the Adcom and also a signal fed from the TV but I don't want a multi-speaker system. Stereo is fine and if they sound good to me with music the wife will be happy with the TV sound. She just wants them to look good and not have a lot of wires hanging around. We'll be listening to vinyl, CD's, Lossless, FM and possibly music fed through Apple or AT&T fiber optic TV setup.

The living room is 19' w X  29' d with a 12' ceiling, hardwood oak flooring and 4 - 6' tall windows on one wall. The other side wall is open to a long entrance way and 2/3 of the far side is open to the kitchen are.

I thought about a used pair of Klipsch Hersey's but I keep reading comments that they are too outdated compared to advances in audio over the last few decades.

So for around $1K what are some good choices. I'm OK with used.

Thank you !



Showing 5 responses by elliottbnewcombjr


search: vintage speakers

countries: usa (change?

insert your price range: 100. to 1200. (always go above, you don't want to miss something GREAT just above your limit.


JSE Infinite Slope Model 2. would be quite happy with your amp in your space.

I owned these, absolutely loved them, went back to vintage tubes and my vintage horns, gave them to my son.


This pair has to sound better than the original. Smart to replace the Dynaudio tweeters, they burn out too easily. Read the text, John S. is John Sollecito (JS Engineering).

Two patents of Richard Modafferi’s: Phase Shift Bass Loading and for the Infinite Slope Crossover.


local pickup only, eh, just find a UPS office near the seller, you pay to have them packed and shipped, seller just drops them off in your name. Actually less risky than having a seller pack them. These are well worth shipping! BUT, way over budget after that.

eBay, vintage speakers, you can put in a distance filter, as well as a price filter, save shipping, hear them 1st perhaps

i.e. within 100 miles, under 1200.




I’m sure, like you many here believe new is better. I obviously disagree, but best of luck choosing. That’s a large space you are dealing with.

Are you close enough to NJ, 07062 to hear mine? custom cabinets, drivers made in 1956, woofers re-coned, you might start dis-believing what you read.

others: If you live close to Conn. those JSE’s I linked above were thoroughly refreshed beyond original. If you ever heard them, you would know what a terrific deal they are. I have no doubt they will beat the living crappola out of anything new under 1,200.


I’m shaking my head at the small speakers others are recommending. To buy small new speakers for that large room, because you ’read’ new is better, is to shoot yourself in the foot. Restored Vintage, done by others, or you do it, will give you much more appropriate choices for that large room.


Case in point, to make my point:

the photos of those JSE Infinite Slope Model 2’s were horrible, perhaps this will give a better idea of what they are


meanwhile, the black ones with the lousy photos are exactly the same except:

high gloss black laminate

thouroughtly upgraded with the help of the original designer/manufacturer

all 4 woofers re-done by Audio Classics, the people who overhaul McIntosh equipment among others.

original design benefits from two unique patents awarded to Richard Modafferi, of McIntosh tuner fame.

1. infinite slope crossover 100 or 120 db/octave, amazing clarity

2. phase shift controlling the 12" and 10" ’progressively’ to provide amazing lows and smooth use of them together within balance of the upper mid/mid/tweet.

Those patents were originally licensed by JSE and now licensed by Joseph Audio

Someone has to need them who lives close enough. If I had room for them, I would have my woodworker sand the laminate and add a select, perhaps exoctic wood veneer.

Oh, yeah, change them to 3 wheels, put corner blocks just above the floor, no touch unless they start to tip during relocation, i.e. alternate positions/toe-ins.


here’s a review to their baby brother Model 1’s which also sound amazing, in a smaller space

talks about the two unique patents

I widh I had another room, or my son had already bought his new house