Need Recommendation on Best CD player under $1,000

I have Wadia tastes, but not the budget. My electronics; Rowland preamp, Edge power, Thiel 2.3 speakers (w/Vandersteen sub.) Tastes range from Hildegard Von Bingen to Korn and everything in between. I've gone the used "out-of-business" route with a Kinergetics KCD-20, but when the transport died and no parts were available, I had an expensive boat anchor. Recommendations?

Showing 1 response by raquel

You said $1,000. If that number can be stretched it a bit, you can buy a new Doge 6 for roughly $1,500 delivered. Not be be pretentious, but a number of people with very high-end systems have purchased this player over the last year -- it is currently a hot player among insiders. It uses six tubes in a hot-rodded triode output stage. The same player, rebadged with the name "Lua", after the designer, is sold in Europe for 5,000 Euros. I bought one about six weeks ago and it is VERY good. My only knock is that the drawer and buttons on the front panel are cheap -- the build quality is otherwise high and it is a solid, beefy component. If you google "Doge 6", you will find the U.S. distributor, Pacific Valve (they are in Chicago).