Need Recommendation on Best CD player under $1,000

I have Wadia tastes, but not the budget. My electronics; Rowland preamp, Edge power, Thiel 2.3 speakers (w/Vandersteen sub.) Tastes range from Hildegard Von Bingen to Korn and everything in between. I've gone the used "out-of-business" route with a Kinergetics KCD-20, but when the transport died and no parts were available, I had an expensive boat anchor. Recommendations?

Showing 2 responses by nickm

Find an old Magnavox 1041 or 2041 with a good transport and swap it out to the KCD20. It's an easy swap. Just take the top off and unscrew the single center screw holding the transport in place. Gently remove the cables and pull out the old transport.

You need a transport from a TDA1541 and it reads CDM2/10 on the transport.

Do a search for the Sterremuur website on google and include TDA1541.

I have a KCD20 with the KCD40 chip upgrade and I've replaced my transport twice. This last time it runs like new.
PS. Do you have the remore eye for the KCD20? If you do, can you email me some info on it. I'm looking for one and dont have the slightest idea what to look for.
