Need opinions: Proceed AVP vs. Anthem AVM20

I am trying to decide on a "long term" home theater preamp, using 5.1 at first, but possibly 7.1 later. The Proceed AVP brings great quality and sound, but the guts are getting old, and it's a little pricey. The only available next upgrade for the AVP to support the newer surround modes will be a $1500-2000 hardware/software mod, on top of around $3000 to buy an AVP used. Anthem is releasing the upgrade to their AVM2, the AVM20, in another week. I only learned about Anthem through a dealer's recommendation when I was inquiring about the Proceed. Anthem's website lists all the latest toys inside this thing, basically all the stuff everybody complains is missing in the other brands. This preamp doesn't seem to lack. Most notably, it has an ultra-wide video bandwidth, which will easily support hdtv up to 1080p, not to mention line doublers and quads.

The question: Does anyone have any experience with the Anthem AVM2 which might indicate the quality/value/sound of the new AVM20? And is the AVM20 going to be an AVP-killer at list price $3200? If Anthem makes a good and reliable product, then this thing should be a hot seller, and should at least stoke the competition a bit.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide.
I am in the same decision mode. I auditioned the new proceed avp2 $6,000 roughly. I auditioned the Krell Showcase $4,000. I looked at the Bryston sp1.7 about $3,400. I looked at the McIntosh MX134 about $7,000. None on my speakers. They all sound really good in demo mode at the dealer. They all offer alot of the same ins and outs. Very confusing process. Combined with the fact that I am also upgrading my 2 channel amp at the same time, my head is spinning. A "fun" process of spending almost $10,000 is getting frustrating. Not sure if it is the best or even worth $7,000, but that McIntosh is sexy to look at...

I have not heard The AVM-20 but i have done extensive
research on PRE/PRO's recently. I am looking to upgrade
myself and will not do so unless i can get stellar 2ch
performance along with the rest. My research started with
everthing i could find info on. Anthem, Lexicon, Procced.. You name i probably have atleast read multiple reviews. What i narrowed to is Aragon stage one and EAD 8000 PRO.
For the price point (very close to AVM-20) they seem to offer best SOUND QUALITY in 2ch and surround. Im not knocking the AVM-20 it does have some great features and
flexibilty. One thing the EAD has is L/R sub outputs that
allow you to re-direct bass from small speakers to different
sub's. That really appealed to me. The Aragon does its bass
management is the Analog domain which is also a big plus.
They both have gotten great reviews. And both are superior sound wise for price point.

One thing you might want to re-consider. I do have a HD
setup and I refuse to route signal (any video) thru any
Pre/Pro. All it will do is comprimise sound and video
quality. All for a little bit of convience. Me i just
couldent sleep at night if i think im comprimising
sound in any way.
I used to own a Proceed AVP. After I saw the upgrade price for the AVP2 I sold it and purchased a Bryston SP1.7 I am very happy with my decision. I enjoyed the AVP and was really torn with selling it, but in the end I enjoy the Bryston more. Something just sounds right now. The music doesn't draw attention to itself as much as the AVP did. Any upgrades in the future for sure will be more reasonable as well with the 1.7 Madrigal has a legendary history but I think that Bryston has hit a home run with the 1.7