
Responses from steve333

Krell Showcase or Bryston SP 1.7
I also have to give the Bryston SP 1.7 the thumbs up. Prior I owned a Proceed AVP. It was a great machine but I was unwilling to pay the huge upgrade cost. So I sold it and bought the 1.7 I have no regrets. I prefer the sound of the internal dacs ... 
Need opinions: Proceed AVP vs. Anthem AVM20
I used to own a Proceed AVP. After I saw the upgrade price for the AVP2 I sold it and purchased a Bryston SP1.7 I am very happy with my decision. I enjoyed the AVP and was really torn with selling it, but in the end I enjoy the Bryston more. Somet... 
McIntosh, Bryston, Proceed or krell
I had a Proceed AVP but refused to pay the high price to upgrade to the AVP2. Now I have a Bryston 1.7 and prefer the sound in every way and as a strait pre-amp it kills the Proceed. Video switching is not a concern for me. 
bryston 14bst vs mark levinson 336
I haven’t heard the 336 but recently had a chance to compare the 7B mono blocks to the new 14B-ST. The monos where fully worked in whereas the 14B was only a month or so old. Without a doubt the 14B had a less aggressive sound than the 7B monos. T...