Need opinions: Proceed AVP vs. Anthem AVM20

I am trying to decide on a "long term" home theater preamp, using 5.1 at first, but possibly 7.1 later. The Proceed AVP brings great quality and sound, but the guts are getting old, and it's a little pricey. The only available next upgrade for the AVP to support the newer surround modes will be a $1500-2000 hardware/software mod, on top of around $3000 to buy an AVP used. Anthem is releasing the upgrade to their AVM2, the AVM20, in another week. I only learned about Anthem through a dealer's recommendation when I was inquiring about the Proceed. Anthem's website lists all the latest toys inside this thing, basically all the stuff everybody complains is missing in the other brands. This preamp doesn't seem to lack. Most notably, it has an ultra-wide video bandwidth, which will easily support hdtv up to 1080p, not to mention line doublers and quads.

The question: Does anyone have any experience with the Anthem AVM2 which might indicate the quality/value/sound of the new AVM20? And is the AVM20 going to be an AVP-killer at list price $3200? If Anthem makes a good and reliable product, then this thing should be a hot seller, and should at least stoke the competition a bit.

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can provide.

thanks for the heads-up about anthem.... I didn't know they were part of Sonic Frontiers. hope they last
Hi all,

I'm an AVP owner and also want to tell you that it is an excellent sounding unit although it is getting old and a little bit behind of all the other processors. Hope that the upgrade will bring it up to date or not to far behind the Lexicon MC-12, Integra RDC-7 or the very promising TAG AVR-192.

I bought mine because I got a good price as a demo unit and also heard the rumours (at that time) of possible upgrade. Bad thing about Proceed is that they are slow (compare to TAG). My first choice was a TAG unit but there is no TAG dealers in Canada. Lexicon MC-12 was totally out because of price and the Integra because of lack of bass management was also out.

About Anthem, I have read that they do not offer any kind of trading or upgrading for AVM-2 owners. If that is the case, I would think twice before buying their products.


Looks like you guys got the short end of the stick. While I agree that Proceed is a "very" good unit, Anthem has rocked the industry with it's reviews. (And more so now with the v.2 out ...)

Bet you guys are sorry now that you didn't go to Anthem eh?
I own an AVP unit and while I do not have any experience with the Anthem unit, I can share my thoughts about my AVP. A very important aspect for me is how the unit works on music. This is where the AVP is simply superb. In 2 channel mode, working as a pass-through analog preamp, or as a DAC and preamp receiving the digital output from my DVD player this unit sounds fantastic. It is truly a high-end DAC and analog preamp. In addition it is also a very good video switcher and surround decoder. I am sure that I will go and have my unit upgraded in the near future, but it is quite excellent as it is. You will be surprised how quickly you grow tiered of bells and whistles. The only thing that matters to me is how the unit sounds, and the AVP is excellent. You can hear the Mark Levenson trade mark sound in this unit for sure. In addition it has one of the best music surround modes that I have ever heard. While I mostly listen to music in 2 channel stereo, this unit does offer a satisfying alternative in surround mode.
I hope this feedback helps some.
Best of luck with your choice.
I am in the same decision mode. I auditioned the new proceed avp2 $6,000 roughly. I auditioned the Krell Showcase $4,000. I looked at the Bryston sp1.7 about $3,400. I looked at the McIntosh MX134 about $7,000. None on my speakers. They all sound really good in demo mode at the dealer. They all offer alot of the same ins and outs. Very confusing process. Combined with the fact that I am also upgrading my 2 channel amp at the same time, my head is spinning. A "fun" process of spending almost $10,000 is getting frustrating. Not sure if it is the best or even worth $7,000, but that McIntosh is sexy to look at...