Need opinions on duping CD's

I'm not too tech savy so forgive my question if it's answer is obvious.
I'm making a best of Beatles CD from the Re-mastered Stereo and Mono CD sets.
I'm using a two drawer Harmon Kardon CDR20.
My question is: Am I recording a perfect dupe as far as sound quality, or am I being limitedby the HK's dac? If so, what's a better way? I have high end CD Players I could use.

Showing 1 response by arcticdeth

We record our lps’ to computer. Then burn them at 96khz or whatever it is to taiyo yuden cdrs.    I love the ticks and minor pops recorded to cdr.

 Doing a simple recording on a descent cd deck will be fine. Dont overthink, record and listen. 
   Enjoy the music. Dont worry you wont miss the air around instruments or the floating spanish guitar or the 360 degree music engulfing you in a magical serene out of body experience. 
  Its music, record and listen. Enjoy. Dont overthink !!!!