Need opinions on a tube amp for Wilson WP8

What do you think is a good tube amp for these speakers? I just bought the speakers and never heard them before. Thx.
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What kind of sound do you like? Valve amps can give you anything from traditional fat and warm sound (triodes), to something remarkably SS-like (big pentode amps), and everything else in between. The WP's like a bit of juice so on first blush either a big triode (VERY expensive) or a pentode would be the go. Both sound very different though.
You'll get a lot of opinions,but it's a good place to start.May I suggest the VAC Renaissance Series 70/70,preferably the MKIIIs.Best looks with the black/gold as opposed to the WWF badge on the earlier units.Great sounding amps.
i've heard them sound amazing with the new VTL-450s. this combo got VERY strong reviews at the last two Montreal Audio Shows.