Need opinions on a tube amp for Wilson WP8

What do you think is a good tube amp for these speakers? I just bought the speakers and never heard them before. Thx.
What kind of sound do you like? Valve amps can give you anything from traditional fat and warm sound (triodes), to something remarkably SS-like (big pentode amps), and everything else in between. The WP's like a bit of juice so on first blush either a big triode (VERY expensive) or a pentode would be the go. Both sound very different though.
You'll get a lot of opinions,but it's a good place to start.May I suggest the VAC Renaissance Series 70/70,preferably the MKIIIs.Best looks with the black/gold as opposed to the WWF badge on the earlier units.Great sounding amps.
i've heard them sound amazing with the new VTL-450s. this combo got VERY strong reviews at the last two Montreal Audio Shows.