need new cd player-budget is tight this winter

hi all
check it out! the budget is killing me right now and i realy want a better cd player.
the rig right now is

arcam alpha 7 cd//audioquest cable
linn pretek preamp//nordost blue heaven cable
linn powertek amp//linn lk400 biwire cable
pair linn tukans

i listen to acoustic to pink floyd ,hendrix and new metal, techno

i liked the alpha 7 but its time to upgrade and i cant afford the linn genki i wanted this year so alls can do is go about $450 for a used cd player for this winter CAN anyone help/RECOMEND a player that would be a GOOD UPGRADE from the arcam for $450 used-cymbals on the alpha7 get splashy and music gets muddled when complex i want more air round the instruments/seperation/foward guitars and bass strings
thanx j

Showing 3 responses by joolz

yeah thanx sean! i moved from london uk a couple of years ago and i live in ohio where my wifes from and there is a serious lack of audio freaks here so a demo of another product is not gonna happen soon(between friends)--so i end up here with cyba friends exchanging ideas......
yeah i do like the alpha 7 but i just want more (of course)--i guess as a musician i'm kinda fussy.
i want to hear the drums less buried and cymbals clearly not splashy and the idividual bass notes more pronounced---the guitars and vocals sound fine though i would prefer a little more air around the instruments.....i may be asking a lot out of what i got, but hey its worth asking and what better place than here.
if anybody listens to what i do(rock/metal/techno/acoustic/female vocals,ect)please write in about what you have what kicks keister...
thanx a lot for all your help peep's
yeah i know all about maplin and i'm dab handy with a solder gun too--tell ya what i may try that-i'll get on the site later tonight...
its good to get feedback off a musician as we have the ear to hear what instruments realy sound like.
may be moving home some day too! i just went back home to do a tour of the uk with a few bands for 2 months and boy do i miss all those small things what made me leave in the first place!!hahah----thanx man! joolz