Need Info Re. Duntech Home Cinema System 100

Hopefully someone can help me. I recently purchased a full set of Duntech Home Cinema System 100 speakers. The system consists of (2) TH33's, (3) TH88's, and (2) TH99's. The 99's are woofers and act as stands as well. The 99's are 8" Vifa made in Denmark and are being refoamed this week, the rest are mint. I cannot find any evidence of these speakers existence, and I am interested in the best configuration of this system and it's value. Lots of info on Duntech and John Dunlevy history, but nothing at all on these speakers (made in Australia). Age??? Have had no luck in contacting Duntech via email. Any info would be much appreciated.
I've decided to sell the speakers to avoid packing them yet again for another move. Anyone interested can locate them on eBay by searching Duntech.
Hi Lifeislarge,

I had correspondence with Jack Davis regarding my Princesses after John Dunlavy separated from Duntech. My impression was that Mr. Davis was knowledgeable but not to be confused with Mr. Dunlavy. I know that Duntech expanded their line up to three series, one of which was the continuation of Dunlavy's designs.

Your curiosity about their linage is understandable. Now if you enjoy their performance, no worries.
Interesting. I would think that if they were brought over to show off at the CES show, they must be pretty good.
Wanted to finally finish this thread. After over two years I was finally contacted by the man responsible for these speakers coming into my possession.

Turns out that the Home Cinema Series 100 was a prototype made by Jack Davis of Duntech. It never went into full production due to board level disagreement. This set was brought to the US for the CES show in late 1995, early 1996, which Duntech pulled out of at the last minute.

I am the owner of a virtually "one off" set of Duntech speakers and have probably the only set to ever land in North America. Pretty frikkin neat. MSRP at the time was $7676 US for the set. I have the original spec sheets and the press release of these awesome things that never came to be.
Received a response from Duntech, but when asked the purpose of my inquiry received no further correspondence. Either I have the rarest speakers in the world, or I've been duped. AARRGGHHH!!!
Lifeislarge, I owned a pair of Duntech Princess speakers from 1990 until last year and I attempted to keep abreast of Duntech and DAL products during that time. I was also fortunate to have personal conversations with John Dunlavy on three occasions.

I never heard of Duntech Home Cinema System 100 speakers. Mr. Dunlavy returned to the US from Australia by around 1993 and had no further design input for Duntech models. He set up production for the Duntech Black Knight speakers in the US but ended that and established Dunlavy Audio Labs (DAL) by about 1995.

I would continue to attempt to reach Duntech Australia via their website to inquire about your speakers.
No disrespect intended... Mr. John Dunlavy. I'm really interested to find out if these were his design or came after hid departure.