Need ideas to match a pair of monitor with 40WPC tube amp

Dear fellow music lovers,

I have a classic LA Audio A1 40wpc integrated tube amp primarily use for bedroom size ~12x10.
Output: EL84 x 8, preamp section: 12AX7 x 2 and 12AU7 x 2  
I need a pair of small monitor (front ported) with 3/4 to 1" non-metallic tweeter and 5" quality midrange driver.

What would you recommend out there for under 1K used a pair?



Showing 3 responses by jjss49


thank you

omega is on the list for down the road

just got a set of spatial m3 sapphires, so hands are full at present - they sound wonderful but even with their somewhat high efficiency, they are not suitable for flea watt amps, so i will come back to omega at some point

i have been curious about omegas for some time, like their simplicity and efficiency and benign impedance

i have had poor experiences with these types of speakers, the super lightweight drivers seem to have a coloration i disliked... tried cabasses and zu's... maybe i will give these omegas a try

i guess you already have the amp

you probably know that if you approach system building from a clean sheet, you shd identify speakers you like and that work in your room, then you get amplification to drive the speaker suitably

there will be older proacs spendors maybe harbeths that will fill your bill - strongly suggest using a rel sub to accompany... makes a world of difference to overall SQ and presentation - otherwise buchardt s300’s will give an almost full range soundscape, some may appear used at a grand a set