Need ideas to match a pair of monitor with 40WPC tube amp

Dear fellow music lovers,

I have a classic LA Audio A1 40wpc integrated tube amp primarily use for bedroom size ~12x10.
Output: EL84 x 8, preamp section: 12AX7 x 2 and 12AU7 x 2  
I need a pair of small monitor (front ported) with 3/4 to 1" non-metallic tweeter and 5" quality midrange driver.

What would you recommend out there for under 1K used a pair?



Showing 1 response by audiomax

I really appreciate everyone so far with your suggestions. Your ideas prompt me to add more information about my references. I like to listen to pop rock, jazz, blues, chamber, male/female vocals. Background music is Cinemix all days when I'm working at home or weekends. My source is high quality Tuner and transport/DAC combo. Vinyl set up is in my main system.
- I have no choice but my future speakers will be against the wall so monitors with front ported bass reflex is desirable 
- As long as the overall sound is musical within my compromising budget and bandwidth is around 50hz  is good enough bass for me. No sub is required since I will listen mostly at normal level at around 9 o'clock or below. 
- I have good experience with single driver/horn loaded design, supertweeters, ribbon tweeters, however as I grow older I keep going back to cone speakers since they give me the most comfort listening to music with hours on end and listening fatigue is much less with cone speakers IMHO.
@rar1 thanks for recommending Omega which I've known for a long time but haven't tried their speaker yet. They are sure look pretty and high quality made. 
@soix Thanks for recommending Silver line speakers. I'm very familiar with them as I owned a few models of their floor standers in the past. I may consider their mini monitor and the specs looks good.
@grinnell I had the Comet before and quite familiar with Triangle's line ups. Thanks.
@aburnhamuu thanks but the Dali Spector 2 is rear ported so I have to rule it out. The price is incredible cheap though and Dali has been around for years so I trusted your opinion.
@jjss49 I love Spendors since I currently own the Eiii Type C pairs. I may try to look for small older ProAcs, I keep hearing good things about Harbeth however I'm not fond of their boxy, rectangular design and they may be too big for my shelf. 
@hilde45 Thanks for recommending those speakers. Some of them I'm not familiar at all but some are quite interesting like Joseph Audio, I like the Revel pair but it's rear ported  :'-(
@ boothroyd I like the Stingray too but again Harbeth is not for me same reason I replied to @jjss49