Need help with room!!!!

Is a room 20'X 14' large enough to get the best sound potential from a pair of full range tower speakers (Snell CV)? What would be a perfectly sized room for an A/V (mainly audio only) system? - assuming you're NOT Bill Gates. Any advice is needed. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by tom_nice

Run, don't walk, to your nearest Online bookstore, to buy F. Alton Everest, "Sound Studio Construction on a Budget". And look for his "Master Handbook of Acoustics" in libraries too. (10 years earlier than "Sound Studio", not nearly as good on current RPG-type devices, but extremely useful too, and it has a "model" room about the size of yours, with room nodes worked out). Your room IS big enough, suitable treated. Good luck--it's a fun project.